
Monday, March 12, 2007

DST My Ass.

...I don't know what freakin'daylight I'm saving here.

It's so hard to concentrate on doing what you should be doing when you're so freakin' tired. I only slept about 3 hours last night due to company + DST. If you don't know what DST is you've probably been under a rock. It's Daylight Savings Time.
I don't know what freakin' daylight I'm saving here. I'm just tired.

So I spent yesterday trying to revise this damn blog. I'm having trouble with the Posts section and getting them to flow the way they should, and it's really irritating me. I'm hoping to have time to finish that later today if I can find a good translation for blogger-speak-a-neese. That's all for now. Talk atcha lata' Homey.

**UPDATE** I have completed it! Leave me a comment and tell me what you think of the new layout! *grins*

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